DE/760802 Gespräch - Srila Prabhupada gibt uns eine Perle der Weisheit in New Mayapur

DE/German - Srila Prabhupadas Perlen der Weisheit
"This mastership competition is going on life after life, sometimes as human being, sometimes as animal, sometimes as fish, aquatics, sometimes as demigod, bird. This is the whole material situation. And the difficulty is that we cannot become master, but on account of our false ambition that 'I shall become master,' we are becoming servants of material nature. We are acting in a certain way to become master, creating a situation, mentality, and at the time of death, when this body finishes, the mind absorbed in that mastership idea takes me to another body according to my ambition. So I become again manifest in different body to exhibit my mastership; another chapter begins."
760802 - Conversation B - New Mayapur