
Template:AZ/Azerbaijani Main Page - Random Audio Clips from Srila Prabhupada

Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada
"We are all trying to become predominator. Everyone is trying. Bhoktā. "I shall..." Competition is going on. You are predominator, say, for one thousands of worker or office clerk. Your office is so big. So I want to make my office bigger than you. So I want to become greater predominator than you. This is our competition, is going on. But none of us is actually predominator. We are all predominated. And because we do not know that "I can never be a predominator," therefore I am under illusion, māyā. The real predominator is the Supreme Lord, Kṛṣṇa."
661210 - Lecture BG 09.23-24 - New York

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{{Master Main Page - Random Audio Clips from Srila Prabhupada}}