710407b Lecture - Srila Prabhupada Speaks a Nectar Drop in Bombay

Nectar Drops from Srila Prabhupada
"So anyone who is trying to divert people's attention from Kṛṣṇa to non-Kṛṣṇa . . . That is the business of the modern so-called philosophers and educationists or religionists. They will continue to read Bhagavad-gītā life long but will interpret in a different way so that people may not surrender to Kṛṣṇa. That is their business. Such persons are called duṣkṛtina. They are themselves also not ready to surrender to Kṛṣṇa, and they are misleading others also not to surrender to Kṛṣṇa. That is their business. Such persons are duṣkṛtina, miscreants, rogues, rascals, those who are deviating people in other ways."
710407 - Lecture Pandal - Bombay