ES/770320 - Carta a Gerente Banco Sindical escrita desde Mayapur

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

20 marzo, 1977

Sri Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir,
P.O. Sreedham Mayapur,
Dist. Nadia, West Bengal.

To: Gerente
Syndicate Bank,
Vrindaban, Dist. Mathura, U.P.
Re: Mi cuenta de ahorros #3871 a nombre de A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.

Estimado señor,

In regard to the above account held with your bank kindly arrange to transfer by M/T the amount of Rs. 75,000/= (Rupees Seventy-five Thousand only) from my account to Punjab National Bank, Krishna Balaram Temple Branch, Vrindaban, U.P. in favor of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Gurukula Construction) Account #4, and advise. En lo que respecta a la cuenta mencionada en su banco, tenga la amabilidad de transferir por M/T la cantidad de 75.000 rupias/= (setenta y cinco mil rupias completas) de mi cuenta al Punjab National Bank, Krishna Balaram Temple Branch, Vrindaban, U.P. a favor de la Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Krishna (Gurukula Construction) Cuenta #4, y avisar.



A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

c.c. Presidente

International Society for Krsna Con.
Krishna Balaram Temple,
