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Revision as of 02:22, 20 March 2008

Vanipedia — the essence of Vedic knowledge

<imagemap> Image:Vanipedia-lotus-logo.jpg|400px|center

  1. Vanipedia

circle 250 249 65 Vanipedia - Portal into the teachings

  1. Vanisource

poly 219 304 210 319 202 334 197 350 195 365 197 379 201 391 208 402 216 412 234 434 242 448 250 464 258 448 266 434 285 412 293 402 299 391 304 379 305 364 303 350 298 335 290 320 281 305 219 304 219 304 Vanisource - Complete teachings

  1. Vaniquotes

poly 282 194 290 180 298 165 303 150 305 135 304 121 299 109 293 98 285 88 266 66 258 52 250 36 242 52 234 66 216 88 208 99 201 110 196 122 195 136 197 150 202 165 209 180 218 194 282 194 282 194 Vaniquotes - Compilations

  1. Vanibooks

poly 217 195 209 180 200 166 190 154 178 145 165 140 153 138 140 138 127 140 98 144 82 145 65 144 75 158 82 173 92 199 97 212 104 223 112 233 123 241 137 246 152 249 169 250 186 250 217 195 217 195 Vanibooks - Compendiums

  1. Vaniversity

poly 314 250 331 250 348 249 363 246 377 240 388 232 396 222 403 211 408 199 418 172 425 157 435 143 418 144 402 143 373 139 360 137 347 137 335 139 322 145 310 154 300 165 291 179 283 194 314 250 314 250 Vaniversity - Educational courses

  1. Vanimedia

poly 281 304 290 319 299 334 310 346 321 355 334 361 347 363 360 362 373 361 401 356 417 355 435 356 425 342 418 328 407 301 402 289 396 278 388 268 377 259 363 254 347 251 331 250 313 250 281 304 281 304 Vanimedia - Audio, images and video

  1. Vanictionary

poly 187 251 170 250 153 251 137 254 123 260 112 268 103 278 97 289 92 302 82 329 75 343 65 357 82 356 98 357 127 361 140 363 153 363 165 361 178 355 190 346 201 334 210 319 218 304 187 251 187 251 Vanictionary - Dictionary, index and quick reference desc none </imagemap>